
Elementary School PTA Fundraiser’s have a special place in our hearts. We love the kids. For this month’s featured group, we interviewed group leader, Amy Sauer from the PTA at Fallsmead Elementary School.

Our seasonal Halloween Pasta and Black Cat Pasta are delicious and a fun way to TREAT your children to a healthy meal before sending them out for spook-tacular Halloween night fun!

We’ve learned with every group, there is a story behind the fundraiser. It’s the story and the people that we love. It keeps us using our noodles…

A team approach to your fundraising group builds momentum and excitement- minimizing stress and maximizing results. Teams are successful because everyone becomes responsible for the team’s success.

Fundraiser kickoff events are a great way to engage, motivate and excite your sellers. Motivated sellers will reach your fundraising goals. A little more effort on the front end pays off in the long run.

How can you put the SPIRIT into your fundraising program? Plan your work. Less can be more. Change it up. Diversify and delegate. Assemble a winning team.